Why Was The State of Israel Created By Secular Zionist Jews & Purim Explains Why The Shoah Happened.

In a previous blog post (Neturei Karta And Anti Zionism Within Orthodox Judaism), I asked the question, "So why did God allow the State of Israel to be created by Secular Jews and for it to be successful?" Here now is my answer:

The Answer Is Plain And Simple

It was created by Secular Jews because religious Jews weren't going to do it. EVER. It was never going to happen by religious Jews because religious Jews are waiting for some kind of supernatural thing to happen by inhuman means. So the State of Israel happened because this was God's Will and God's will needs humans to fulfill His will.

The Purim Story Proves Why the Shoah Happened

Religious Jews, you celebrate Purim. You know the story. I shouldn't have to spell this out for you. The whole story of Purim with Mordechai and Esther happened outside the Land of Israel. What happened when Esther heard about a plan to try to genocide the Jews and told Mordechai?  What did Mordechai say to Esther? He said, "Do not imagine in your soul that you will be able to escape any more than the rest of the Jews. For if you persist in keeping silent at a time like this, relief and deliverance will come to the Jews from another place, while you and your father's house will perish." (Esther 4:14) He didn't say oh we can't do anything because King Solomon said in the Three Oaths that we're waiting for some Supernatural Moshiach to come save us. No, it didn't happen like that. Why do we include the story of Purim in the Tanakh? Because it's the only book in the whole Tanakh that doesn't mention the name of God. There are no prophets, and it's totally how God works in the background with human beings. How human beings, acting through the work of God, saved the Jews. And you still want to think that your salvation is going to come magically without human intervention? It goes against everything in Jewish history. You wouldn't be celebrating Purim if this is what you truly believe.

So this should have been the model of what happened or should have happened in the Shoah. What happened in the Shoah? NOTHING. Religious Jews did nothing. The religious Jews sat and did nothing. You should have taken the example of Mordechai and Esther and at least said let's get everybody together to do Teshuva. Fast for 3 days and try to avert the disaster. Then rise and fight when it comes to you. You could have done something but you did nothing.

There Was No Moses Coming Theodor Herzl Came Instead

Even in the story of Exodus, God sent a man, a human, to free his people. What happened before the Shoah? There was Herzl. Theodor Herzl. Did Herzl see a burning bush? No. Did Herzl see the Shoah coming? No. Did Herzl have some kind of message from God? No. But God nevertheless seemed to use him to build the desire to get the people to go back into the Land - because Hashem knew what was coming. You should have taken the opportunity when it presented itself and some of you did. Some of you were able to come into the Land and not perish, but most of you did not. You told your people not to leave. You told people not to go because they were Secular. And then you want to blame the Shoah on the Zionists when the Zionists were the only ones who were trying to get people not to be killed. And then you also want to blame the Secular for assimilating, but what does that have to do with you? The religious were not spared. What do you think that you did wrong? You don't think you did anything wrong to contribute to that? This is what you did wrong: You led your people astray by telling them not to leave, not to fight, and to stay. When by all accounts you shouldn't have even been in Europe in the first place. (That's another story I can get into.) But because you were there, and you didn't listen, you didn't fight, you didn't do Teshuva, and you didn't follow what history has taught you, you perished. You were led by people who told you their own imaginations and not something from God.

So what happened should have given you the story to know that this is not really how God wants us to be. In The Exodus story, the rabbis say that 80% of the Jews didn't leave because they were comfortable in their oppression and slavery. So maybe that was you then. Maybe that's you now. That's why you choose to stay outside the Land. what happened to those 80%? They perished. They assimilated. They're no longer part of the tribe of Israel. So maybe you should take that as a lesson. Nothing is stopping you now from coming to the Land of Israel.

The Model Of Exile And Redemption

Another example is in the book of Jeremiah. The prophet Jeremiah told the people not to fight the Babylonians. He said you won't win against them. He was telling them not because King Solomon said so in the Three Oaths, he was telling them because of their sin. That it would be better to be alive and to go into Exile than to fight back and perish. So this also is a lesson that you need to take. But that only applied to the Babylonians because Jeremiah said that he would bring other people to conquer the Babylonians, and then they would be able to come back into the Land. So this is the process that is the model of how the Redemption happens. You are exiled out of your Land because of your sin, and then you are brought back into the Land by another Nation. So this idea that you think that you can't go back into the Land because of the Three Oaths that say you can't go in forcefully, well the Jews didn't come in forcefully this time either. They had permission from the Sovereign owners of the Land which were the British. They don't need the permission of the Arabs. So this is plain to see in history and in the prophets and in the Tanakh in the book of Purim.

Judah HaMaccabee

In the story of the Maccabees, did Judah HaMaccabee not fight because it came from King Solomon not to fight against the Nations? Were the Maccabees waiting for some miraculous savior to come save them? No. This doesn't happen ever. You need to realize that you are following your own imagination, and this is not how God acts in the world. God needs people to fulfill his will and bring people back into the Land and fight. There is no other way to get back into the Land. You don't need a prophet to tell you this. All you need to do is open your eyes, look at history, and look at the actual Tanakh and the prophets to know that this is not from God.

There's not even any need to debate the merits of the Three Oaths. It doesn't matter what Maimonides or Nachmanides or this Rabbi or that Rabbi said or how they feel. It's irrelevant because it's not real. It's your own imagination. You're debating your own imagination. So please stop.

Do Teshuva And Come Back Into Eretz Israel

This is where you need to do Teshuva. This is your Teshuva: to realize that you have been led astray, and in doing that, you have led your flock astray. This is why things are not right. This is why the Secular Jews had to make this happen. It should have been you. It should have been the religious Jews who created the State of Israel. It was not because you refused to accept reality and God. You are going against God by not following his examples in the prophets and the Torah. Please understand this. Do Teshuva and realize that it's only because you're not doing what you're supposed to be doing that the Secular Jews are doing what they have to do. Come back into the Land and be part of the solution. Only through demographics are religious Jews going to have a part and say in how to rule the Land. A say in how to have peace and conquer the enemies around us.

What Are You Waiting For?

Are you waiting for the Arabs to conquer us again because Israel is Secular? And then what? Do you think you're going to be safe outside the Land of Israel when there's anti-Semitism all around and there are Arabs all around in Europe and the US? Don't think you're going to be spared. You are not going to be spared if you continue to do nothing. It's plain as day. Anybody should be able to see this coming. Do you want to wait for another Shoah to come for you and do nothing?

 You Have No Other Place To Go

Wake up people. Religious Jews need to wake up and realize that their place is in Eretz Israel. Only by coming back to Eretz Israel and starting the process of Teshuva and obeying Torah in the Land and having a presence in the Land, will change the demographics of the State of Israel so that we can get to a place where we can be ruled by Torah. But you have to make it happen.  Religious Jews have to make it happen. So please come to Israel now. You have no other place to go.

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